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EC Grants may not finance the entire eligible cost of the Action of a Beneficiary. No grant may exceed 90 % of the total forecasted eligible costs of the Action.

The balance must be financed from the Applicant's or Partners' own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund. The co-financing shall amount to at least 10% of the total eligible costs of the Action.

In case of grant Beneficiaries/Partners registered in participating Member States maximum 5% of the total eligible costs of the Action (50% of the co-financing) will be funded from the national budget. The remaining minimum 5% of the total eligible costs of the Action (50% of the co-financing) has to be covered from the Beneficiary’s/Partner’s own contribution. Detailed information on the national co-financing in the Member States will be available on the Programme’s website.

Annual Work Programme for 2018 published by JMA

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary acting as Joint Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 (JMA) is publishing the Annual... read more »

First Call for Proposals launched

The first open Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has been launched... read more »

First Call for Proposals to be launched in the first trimester of 2017

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, acting as the Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 is planning to launch the first... read more »

Draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

Public consultation on the draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme... read more »

Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda