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Large Scale Projects

The Joint Monitoring Committee in agreement with the European Commission decided on its 2nd meeting on 5 March 2009 that in case of Priority 3 of the Joint Operational Programme direct award procedure will be applied for the identification and selection of Large Scale Projects.
Improvement of the border-crossing transport infrastructure and equipments at border controls is exclusively of state competence, and such projects require ex-ante agreements between the concerned countries. Therefore the almost 21 million EUR ENPI allocation available for the given Priority will be shared equally among the Ukrainian-Hungarian, Ukrainian-Slovak and Ukrainian-Romanian borders.
To identify large-scale projects a special Joint Task Force has been set up of all relevant stakeholders and institutions (Border Guard Services, Customs etc.) involved in border crossing development to see the justification of special management of border crossing infrastructure development and to identify most important projects worth to be financed from Priority 3.

Currently bilateral negotiations are taking place between Ukraine and each Member State in order to identify large-scale projects.

As a result of bilateral meetings between the Ukrainian and Hungarian parties, the planned investments are the following:
1. Development of Beregsurány-Luzhanka road Border Crossing Point (BCP)
2. Establishment of Záhony Common Contact Point - a “consultative centre” at the “Záhony-Chop” CBC point
3. Development of Tiszabecs-Vylok BCP - in order to make easier the passport control of the tourists canoeing or kayaking on the river Tisza.
4. Acquisition of equipments; Training

State of Play: The entire and renewed Application package (with the new Ukrainian Partner - Chop Customs Office of the Ministry of the Taxes and Revenues of Ukraine - introduced) was submitted by the Hungarian Beneficiary to the JTS on 14 December 2012. After several round of clarifications the consortium members signed the Partnership Agreement in November 2013 and on 6 December 2013 the Grant Contract has been signed in the frame of a personal meeting at the Hungarian National Police Headquarters\' Office, with the presence of representative of the Beneficiary and the Joint Technical Secretariat. The project implementation period has started on 7 December 2013.

The Ukrainian and Slovak parties agreed on the following investment possibilities during their bilateral meetings:
1. Development of Vyšné Nemecké – Uzhgorod BCP
2. Development of Velké Slemence - Mali Selmenci BCP
3. Road reconstruction leading to the joint BCP Solomonovo – Čierna

State of Play: During the course of the year JTS proceeded with the internal procedures in order to sign the Grant Contract which took place on 12 March 2013 by the Slovak Beneficiary. The project entered its implementation phase on 1 April 2013 as both Slovak and Ukrainian partners have elaborated all documents necessary to proceed with procurement. Concerning the infrastructural components, the works at the Vysne Nemecke - Uzghorod border crossing point will start at the end of February - beginning of March 2014.

In Ukrainian-Romanian relation the parties agreed on the following:
1. Development of Halmeu-Dyakove BCP

State of Play: After the award letter was issued by the JMA (3 September 2012) the LSP Partners started to work on the requirements and conditions set in the mentioned document. After the completion of the conditions and providing the JMA/JTS with the needed clarification Partners established the Partnership Agreement which was signed by the Ukrainian Partners in December 2012. JTS continued the internal procedures in order to sign the Grant Contract which came to pass on 14 March 2013 by the Romanian Beneficiary and the implementation strated on 1 April 2013. During the course of the year institutional changes have been accomplished by the Ukrainian Partners. These changes started during the summer of 2013 and a new Partnership Agreement had to be prepared. Starting with 1 August 2013 the National Agency for Fiscal Administration -NAFA has been reorganised by a merger and took over the National Customs Authority\'s  (Beneficiary) activity. Finally NAFA decided to transfer the responsibility for project implementation to the General Regional Directorate of Public Finance in Cluj-Napoca. A new project team and Action Plan have been created which will help to accelerate the project implementation.

The detailed method of selecting Large Scale Projects is described in the Strategic Paper on Large Scale Projects - HU-SK-RO-UA ENPI CBC Programme.

Project Summary template can be download here for the relevant eligible stakeholders and institutions.

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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda