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An unusual programme-promotion from rafting boats - REPORT day-by-day - REPORT I

The programme management bodies popularized the HU-SK-RO-UA ENPI CBC Programme along the river Tisa, the programme’s connection route between 13 and 16 July 2010. The representatives of the Joint Managing Authority, the Joint Technical Secretariat and the National Authorities were rafting together. We are going to report about the activities of the four days illustrated by photos in the upcoming days.

Day 1 – 13 July 2010

Co-operation of 4 countries through 170 kilometres – the stake is up to 14 million EUR now

We have passed the water to promote a CBC programme which has meant a real opportunity and is still promising for the economic and social development of the cross-border regions of Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine. The team has decided to bring down the programme from the ivory tower and to provide information at personal meetings with mayors, civil organizations or representatives of churches.

Our international programme management team has visited ten villages and towns of the four countries whilst passing 170 km on the river Tisa. The unconventional series of promotional events started on 13 July 2010, Tuesday in Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania. Besides the representatives of the city, the counties and the press five Beneficiaries introduced their CBC projects. The implementation of the joint projects can begin at late summer right after the conclusion of the grant contracts between the Contracting Authority and the Beneficiaries.

A cultural centre will take care of the hutsul traditions, a portal will serve for the hopeless unemployed, kindergarten teachers will be trained for traditional techniques, such as pottery and awareness will be raised among the local endangered groups of the youth for the fight against human trafficking. Not only the winner projects of the first Call have been publicised but the second Call for proposals has been announced too. We were encouraging all participants to utilize all the possibilities offered by the second Call since the launching on 24 June 2010. 14 million EUR is opened for the funding of the best project ideas and the most promising cross-border co-operations.

The objective is the capitalisation of the traditions and customs specific for the Hutsuls from Maramures Mountains – narrated Vasile Popovicil. The increased level of the cultural co-operation between the Hutsuls on the two sides of the Romanian-Ukrainian border will be reached by preparing a four-language dictionary and a collection of the hutsul folklore. The Romanian and the Ukrainian partners will build a Cultural Center of the Hutsuls in Poienile de sub Munte village and will organize exchange camps from the ENPI funds.

Hungarian, Ukrainian and Romanian experts will continue their fight against human trafficking with the help of EU grants. Awareness raising and prevention campaigns will be organized in 40 schools with the involvement of teachers, policemen and volunteers.

To find a job easily and quickly – it is the wish of today’s all unemployed ones. Although, often happens that demand and supply „do not meet each other”. Due to the project to be implemented by Romanian, Ukrainian and Hungarian partners, the cross-border transfer of knowledge and experience on labour-market issues will be ensured by setting up an online information-portal which in turn will result in a more optimised and rationalized procedure of finding a job.

„Life does not stop at the border of the European Union!” – claimed Mr. Barna TÁNCZOS, state secretary of the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. ”I can really hope that experiences gained during the implementation of the first projects will stimulate a more effective co-operation within the next Call.”

„This hall represents a spectacular example of the successful project preparation work, hence the restoration work and the procurement of modern equipments were financed by the EU” – told Mr. Ovidiu NEMES, the mayor of the city.

„I wish for the revival of the surrounding of my hometown on both sides of the border. There are still hidden potentials waiting for the future generations” – expressed his hopes a Member of the Parliament delegated by this region.

„There are two reasons for this innovative type of promotion of the ENPI programme. On one hand, we reached a milestone by concluding the grant contracts with the Beneficiaries of the first Call. As part of this particular step, the ceremonial signature of the very first three grant contracts will happen tomorrow in Chust. On the other hand, we have already launched the second Call and would like to motivate further organizations to apply for ENPI funds through presenting success stories to them. We provide any help” – promised Dr. András BARANYI, head of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the HU-SK-RO-UA ENPI CBC Programme.

Following the event, the programme management team passed the border through the foot-brige between Sighetu Marmaţiei and Slotvyno where the mayor and the delegation of the city welcomed us. Due to the warm-hearted reception by the traditional folklore groups we continued our journey rafting from Slotvyno towards Bushtyno on the Tisa.

Photo: Darabos

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