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Information for the Applicants on the current state of evaluation process

Currently, the administrative and eligibility check (Step 1) of the applications submitted within the first Call for proposals is taking place, which is performed by the Joint Technical Secretariat. In case of uncertainties or unclear information provided in the Application Form and its annexes or missing supporting documents, the JTS will invite Applicants to submit a clarification or missing document(s) within the given deadline. This notification is expected to be sent out during the first week of December.

Based on the results of the opening session and of the administrative and eligibility check, Project Selection Committees will be convened (one PSC per Priority) to recommend proposals for further evaluation or rejection. Upon approval by the JMA, the list of project proposals recommended for further evaluation or rejection will be submitted to the JMC for endorsement.

At the end of Step 1, which is expected in middle of January, the JTS will notify the Applicants in an official letter concerning the followings:
- whether or not their application was submitted within the deadline;
- informing them of the reference number they have been allocated;
- whether their application has satisfied all the administrative and eligibility criteria and
- whether their application has been recommended for further evaluation;
- if excluded from further evaluation, the reasons for rejection will be provided.

Selected external assessors will carry out the quality assessment of the application forms (Step 2). Based on their assessments Project Selection Committees will discuss the project proposals and the Joint Monitoring Committee will take the final decision on projects to be approved and amount granted to them. Final decision on selected projects is expected in the first quarter of 2010.

Implementation of awarded projects can begin following the signature of the grant contracts planned to start from March 2010.

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