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Dear Beneficiary/Partner,

The Joint Technical Secretariat of Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme is going to organise Project Management Training for project Ukrainian Beneficiaries/Partners awarded under the Third Call for Proposals of the Programme. This event is foreseen for participants of all awarded projects not only those which have already signed the grant contracts.

The training will be dedicated to develop a better understanding of what is needed to launch and implement ENPI CBC projects. The HU-SK-RO-UA ENPI CBC programme requirements and rules will be introduced, in particular contractual obligations and eligibility of expenditure. In this training representatives of Ukrainian Beneficiaries and Partners will take part. Therefore, the event will be in Ukrainian language. Other topics as national requirements and specialities related to implementation of EU projects, in particular, registration and related issues, book-keeping and legal specialities etc. will be part of other trainings organised separately later on.  

The trainings will be held on 27 of August, 2013 in hotel Zolota hora (1 km from Uzhorod towards Mukachevo) in Ukraine

Please note that the JTS is organising bus transport free of charge to the venue of the training. Please indicate the place of your departure on the Registration form according to your needs. You are kindly asked to fill the Registration form which is available on the web site. The Agenda of the event can be found on the web site as well.    

The deadline for registration is 21st of August,  2013. Please fill in the attached Registration form and send it to not later until the abovementioned dates.


Best regards,

Joint Technical Secretariat

ENPI CBC Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2007-2013

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