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Project Cycle Management Training for potential Applicants under Third Call - Registration is open!

Dear potential Applicants and Partners!

In order to increase your skills and knowledge related to preparing CBC projects the Joint Technical Secretariat of the HUSKROUA ENPI CBC Programme in cooperation with RCBI experts are organising 1-day Project Cycle Management (PCM) Training in Uzhgorod on 12th and 13th (and if necessary on 14th) of December 2011.

The PCM Training will be held in English language for those potential applicants and partners who have already decided to participate in the 3rd CfP and have created a partnership of their future project. This means that in order to participate in the Training organisations must register AS PARTNERSHIPS consisting of minimum one eligible Ukrainian organisation and one eligible organisation from EU member-state, i.e. Hungary, Slovakia or Romania. To check the eligibility of organisations please consult Guidelines for grant Applicants as part of the Application Package designed for the 3rd Call in the section Download of the Programme’s web-site.

Application Package for the opened Third Call is also available at:

Please note that the registered partnership should consist of minimum 4 persons and maximum 8 persons. During the Training such partnership will work as a joint group on common practical tasks, which will help participants to better elaborate their project idea. Thus for effectiveness of the Training it is important that partnerships are real and work on real project ideas.

Representatives of one organisations can be involved into several project partnerships but in order to secure effective work they must be either different representatives of the organisation or the same representative should participate in the Training on different days (as member of different partnerships). Please note that JTS reserves the right not to register representatives of the same organisation in several partnerships if there are too many registered participants.

Please fill in the Registration Form and send it back to the e-mail address of the Ukrainian Branch Office of the JTS ( until 14:00 CET, 7th of December 2011.
You will be informed on further steps on 8th of December 2011.

Agenda you can download here.

Best regards,
JTS Team


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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda