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Project details

Project name: Creation of the network for Visually Impaired NGOs
Country / Region: Ukraine, Zakarpatska
Priority: Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation
Area of intervention: Measure 4.2 Small scale “People to people” cooperation
Project targets: The formation of a network of organizations and institutions that take measures to protect the rights and interests of disabled people in the Transcarpathian Region (Ukraine), Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.
2. The studying the priorities of the organizations network - the formation of the methods for monitoring social services, education and employment of disabled people in the border territories of Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania.
3. Formation of the home-nursing department concept in the Transcarpathian region.
4. Analysis of the model of social and rehabilitation services providing and management for disabled persons on the territory of the project’s realization.
Project results: The short-term results of the project include:
1. Creating a network of nongovernmental organizations, rehabilitation centers and institutions, social services of local government, which protect and support the visually impaired on the territory of the project’s realization.
2.Creation of expert groups to analyze patterns of social services in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania (approximately 8 people). The group will involve local experts, representatives of rehabilitation and social institutions, and nongovernmental organizations of Visually Impaired /
3. Analysis of models of social services in countries of the territory of the project’s realization.
based on worked out by experts the project of methodology and the elaboration of the model for development, providing and management of social and rehabilitation services to visually impaired in Transcarpathian region .
4. Creation of expert group for the elaboration of the concept and the formation of home-nursing department to support blind in small towns and rural areas on the territory of the project’s realization.
5. The formation of the service department model to provide services to disabled people of small towns and rural area of the project including: the orientation in space, skills of information technology, measures of social rehabilitation.

Long-term results:

1. The Creation models of the model of social and rehabilitation services providing and management for disabled persons on the territory of the project’s realization.
2. The Creation of home-nursing department to blind people with rehabilitation services, who live in small towns and rural areas.
Description: The Problem Description: social and economic problems of the country as a whole and of its regions have become apparent clearly during a transformational movement in Ukraine. And we should highlight the problem of providing the social services for the Visually Impaired among the fields and spheres, which require the urgent reforming.
1995 the Visually Impaired live in the Transcarpathian region. 16 % of these are urban population 84 % are rural. The age structure can be determined as follows, 655 young people, 1496 people of working age, 499 older people. For each age group the own set of problems is defined, created by the issues of social services’ providing. Among the residents of this area - people with serious visual impairment are representatives of Hungarian, Slovak and other nationalities. This category of people - people with limited vision feels the lack of communication with neighboring countries.
No model of the introduction of social services is defined today. No bodies of regional authorities nor the more municipal government are not able to organize the implementation of qualitative social services.
Among the set of reasons that have determined the problem the following are distinguished:
Historical - pre-existing socialist system focused on determining the invalescence (invalidism) as a degree of a disability, consequently was the targeting on specialized companies and the actual isolation of the Visually Impaired, who lived in rural areas. After the collapse of the socialist camp, Eastern European countries have identified and recognized the priorities of the European Union. At present crisis of transitional stage is actually overcome in these countries. Reforms implemented in the social sphere have led to the definition of the model of their implementation, and the criteria of their quality. In Ukraine this difficult process still continues, resulting the lack of social services for that category of citizens.
The socio-economic complex of problems includes the issues of the definitions of social services, especially in terms of their efficiency and effectiveness during the realization of disabled persons by themselves. In this aspect the certain social services are important for the age categories of the Visually Impaired. So, for children and young people of school age is the urgent need of qualitative and accessible education and services related to this. The access to the social environment and information technology is almost not provided. Therefore is the receiving of inadequate education that in the future is expressed during the realization of youth. Another direction of services is the rehabilitation services - the measures of social, employment and labor rehabilitation. Lack of appropriate centers or their inadequate staffing and resources providing calls into doubt the quality of the services.
Another aspect of the economic conditions complex that determined this issue was the question of the costs of services and their customers. In Ukraine, in general, particularly in the Transcarpathian region the issue of payment for social and rehabilitation services to their direct clients is not resolved. Previous social policy that stimulated the emergence of new types of privileges caused the formation of paternalistic tones among the recipients of social services. At the present time the agencies that provide these services are financed from the state budget, which determines their low quality because of their low cost, and technical assistance programs, which in turn determines the short duration of the activity of this type of institutions, created by such a manner.
Administrative complex of conditions of this problem is defined by the subject of social services administration. In this sense, the lack of social services model has clearly become apparent. Due to low self-organization and lack of appropriate professional experience local governments do not actually carry out their responsibilities in the social sphere. However this niche is occupied in an active way by civil society organizations that are providing certain social services and they define the number of their clients, the quality and the costs of these services. In most cases, NGO activities are inconstant and episodic in their nature. No significant number of civil society organizations of our region can lay claim to system work in this direction.
Estimated budget: 100 000 EURO
Estimated duration: 24 months

Partners needed

Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Criterias: Partnership is also welcommed from other border regions (Hungary, Slovakia, Romania)

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation type: Municipality or its organization
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Contact details

Name: Andriy
Organisation: Uzhgorod NGO of Visually Impaired “Dyvosvit”
Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Ukraine, Zakarpatska
City/Village: 88000, Uzhhorod
Address: Uzhhorod, 8-go bereznya street
Phone: 619601
Mobile: 0503179878
Fax: 619624
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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda