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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Project details

Project name: \"Start for health\"
Country / Region: Romania, Maramureş
Priority: Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation
Area of intervention: Measure 4.1 Institutional cooperation
Project targets: The goal of the project is to promote healthy style of living among different categories of the population of the border regions of Romania, Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia, through healthy eating, physical activity and by giving the population the possibility to be able to choose healthier alimentary products.
Project results: The expected results will be mainly a certain number of Good Practice Guides and other editorial issues on the health education subject, an increased number of healthier food products on the market, a widely spread practice of applying refreshing physical execrcisest in institutions.

Description: The project will set work visits in the participating countries in which promoting instruments will be conceived in a modern manner, to be used in the process of “continuous learning”, applied to the public health specific, with a strong message towards ecology as well.

Another class of actions would be the construction of an awareness campaign dedicated to local food companies in order to determine them to offer alternative food products to the public without artificial additives or with the smaller concentration possible of this class of substances.

The launch of a campaign that is supposed to inform population about healthy food behaviours, hygiene, prevention and health, generally.

An awareness campaign to inform population on the harmful nature of sedentary life.
Also, this project will organize sportive contests, and art contests on the project´s theme too.
Another aspect of this initiative is promoting the advantages of refreshing sport for the individual physical wellness and productivity at the work place or study place.
Estimated budget: app. 500000 euro
Estimated duration: 24 months

Partners needed

Organisation type:
Country / Region: ,
Criterias: Experience with participation in EU projects; communication in English (Spanish or italian if it helps), responsibility and flexibility in administrative preparation and implementation

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation: Maramures County Direction of Public Health
Organisation type: Public institution
Country / Region: Romania, Maramureş

Contact details

Name: Mr. Calin Rednic, Ms. Ioana Sandor
Organisation: Centrul judetean de informare, consiliere si informare profesionala \"Pentru Voi\", Baia Mare
Organisation type: Public institution
Country / Region: Romania, Maramureş
City/Village: 430311, Baia Mare
Address: Str. Gh. Sincai, nr.33
Phone: +40-0262-21 28 89
Mobile: +40-0741-14 18 12
Fax: +40-0262-21 28 89
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First Call for Proposals to be launched in the first trimester of 2017

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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda