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Project details

Project name: “Together on the road of keeping the cultural values”
Country / Region: Romania, Satu-Mare
Priority: Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation
Area of intervention: Measure 4.2 Small scale “People to people” cooperation
Project targets: The process of disclosuring the unique artistic forms, the traditions and local or areal customs that outline the spiritual profile of our nation in comparison of our neighbours, has the purpose of acknowledging and valorising the authentic folklore art, all within an organised learning system.
We settled as a goal to familiarize the youngsters with the Romanian traditions so that they become aware of the fact that in culture nothing must be lost, but everything must be transmitted and renewed.
As a sequel of the project, we intend to even more involve the local community as well as non-governmental organizations in the cultural activities.
Project results: The expected results of the Project:
- Acknowledging, keeping and valorising the traditions and popular crafts specific to the city of Satu Mare by engaging children in cultural activities;
- Knowing local folkloric values;
- Amplify interest in promoting the traditions;
- Children describing –with the help of their teachers- the significance of some local traditions and customs by making power-point presentations, drawings or essays;
- Arousing children’s curiosity and interest in the values of national culture;
- Involving children in multiple activities of documenting, observing, raising data.
Description: The cultural actions organised under the patronage of the European Union, had the purpose of changing the mentality, of making people better, more reconciliatory when it comes to interpersonal relationships.
This project encourages the organisation of common activities between the two cross-border regions, in order to promote the revival and the maintaining of common social and cultural traditions, as well as a more active engagement of the groups involved. Therefore, with the help of cultural diversity, of the nation’s living history, accomplished through tradition, customs and folklore, we will manage to rethink the cross-border dialogue between the youngsters that have just exited the protection system, as well as between the elders in the region; at the same time we will be able to achieve their social reinsertion by facilitating their participation to cultural events.
We initiated this project starting from the premise:” If we don’t have knowledge of our local history, we don’t know who we are!” We are all aware of the fact that folklore is less present in the lives of our children, so that they don’t even know the traditions and customs specific to the area they come from. Nowadays, even the oldest of us don’t remember anymore the traditional Romanian clothes or songs. In order to reach these goals, we thought of organising a camp where the youngsters from the two cross-border areas will be able to take part in common activities that have the purpose of getting familiar with traditions.
We hope that this project will help children become aware of the folklore in our area, as well as sensitizing their parents and local community regarding keeping and transmitting forward our popular culture.
Estimated budget: 25.000 Euro-100.000 Euro
Estimated duration: 12 months

Partners needed

Organisation type: Other
Country / Region: Ukraine, Zakarpatska

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation type: Municipality or its organization
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Contact details

Name: Mihaela Buda
Organisation: Child Social Assistance and Protection General Service Satu Mare
Organisation type: Public authority or its organization
Country / Region: Romania, Satu-Mare
City/Village: 440080, Satu Mare
Address: Corvinilor 18
Phone: 0261.890.951
Mobile: 0755.333.012
Fax: 0261.768830
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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda