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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Project details

Project name: Social Centre Sant Egidio
Country / Region: Romania, Satu-Mare
Priority: Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation
Area of intervention: Measure 4.1 Institutional cooperation
Project targets: To prevent poor students from leaving school.
To help poor students to be a part of the society.
To provide social and medical assisstance for poor students and their families.
To prevent the spread of certain illnesses near the border.
Project results: Educational and social trainings given by the project partners.
An adequate climate for students to learn and the chance for them to be equal to other students who don\\\'t have financial difficulties.
Description: The establishment of a building with appropriate spaces for students, with ages between 7-14, who come from families with financial difficulties, in which they can do their homework, supervised by teachers.
Estimated budget: 450.000 Euros
Estimated duration: 24 months ( 2 years)

Partners needed

Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Ukraine, Zakarpatska

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation type: Public institution
Country / Region: Ukraine, Ivano–Frankivska

Contact details

Name: Barle Ovidiu
Organisation: Saint Francisc Greco-Catholic Church
Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Romania, Satu-Mare
City/Village: 440096, Satu Mare
Address: 26, Rodnei Street,Satu Mare
Phone: 0361411466
Mobile: 0746129400
Fax: 0261710648
Annual Work Programme for 2018 published by JMA

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary acting as Joint Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 (JMA) is publishing the Annual... read more »

First Call for Proposals launched

The first open Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has been launched... read more »

First Call for Proposals to be launched in the first trimester of 2017

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, acting as the Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 is planning to launch the first... read more »

Draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

Public consultation on the draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme... read more »

Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda