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Project details

Project name: Creation of independent laboratory is for the estimation of soils and consequences of land-tenure of all kinds
Country / Region: Ukraine, Chernivetska
Priority: Priority 2: Enhance environmental quality
Area of intervention: Measure 2.1 Environmental protection, sustainable use and management of natural resources
Project targets: Creation of independent laboratory and give information for minimize the risks of corruption in the field of the landed relations, that in Ukraine is one of most often discovered.
Project results: 1. The modern laboratory is organized and certificated with the European standard for the estimation of the state of the land resources for all the Cross-Border regions (quality of soil; fitness for the concrete types of agricultural production; an estimation of contamination and his dynamics is regardless of state belonging).
2. GIS and database is created about the state of the land resources of Cross-Border territory of Ukraine, that functions in the open on-line mode.
3. Implementation of project at first time will give an opportunity to organization of the effective monitoring of contaminations on Cross-Border territory, that is provided by a corresponding cartographic models. Only on her basis will become possible to control migration of pollutants within the limits of river pools of territory.
4. Activity of laboratory of independent of organs state power, organs of local self-government and private Ukrainian organizations will give an opportunity to the wide layers of population to settle concrete problems in the sphere of the landed relations, to decrease dependence on the officials of different levels on the stage of estimation of lot lands and their motion (purchase-sale-lease). This is important especially on the eve of possible abolition of moratorium on the sale of land. It will allow to minimize the risks of corruption in the field of the landed relations, that in Ukraine is one of most often discovered.
Description: Creation of independent laboratory is for the estimation of soils and consequences of land-tenure of all kinds. Certification of laboratory in accordance with the euro of standards and equipment a modern technique for providing of effective Cross-Border of collaboration. At the same time an independent laboratory will do possible really effective control after the state of land, accessible information in this sphere for most layers of population and for co-ordination of actions by public organizations.
Estimated budget: 1000000
Estimated duration: 24

Partners needed

Organisation type: Municipality or its organization
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation type: Other
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Contact details

Name: Cherlinka Vasyl
Organisation: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Organisation type: Other
Country / Region: Ukraine, Chernivetska
City/Village: 58012, Chernivtsi
Address: Kotsubinsky Str., 2
Phone: +380372584739
Mobile: +380501582585
Fax: +380-372-552914
Website: http://http://
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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda