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Project Idea and Partner Search Form

Project details

Project name: Carpathian International Youth Debate Club
Country / Region: Ukraine, Ivano–Frankivska
Priority: Priority 4: Support people to people cooperation
Area of intervention: Measure 4.1 Institutional cooperation
Project targets: Target groups of the Action are as follows:
- Student youth: students from different universities and colleges will be involved into the Action activity. Handicapped students will have an opportunity to participate in debates as equals.
- Representatives of local authorities: within the Project the representatives of public bodies and local authorities will find proactive young people, who are able to promote innovations at the international level. Representatives of these state bodies will be invited to take part in the Action.
- The authorities and teachers of the higher educational institutions of the regions. The prestige of the target group depends on the educational level of students, number and quality of scientific achievements, enthusiasm, and self-presentation skills. Hence, the authorities are interested in the promotion of such initiatives, and revealing students’ potential. If there are internships, joint presentations, and innovative projects, the universities and institutes will gain high respect and popularity both inside and outside the countries.
- Entrepreneurs: representatives of small and medium business will be involved into the Action. Within the context of the Project, companies will get acquainted with proactive youth and network for the implementation of youth initiatives at own enterprises.
- Final beneficiaries of the Action will be: student associations of European countries; territorial communities of the Carpathian region; public associations, analytical centres and experts working in different spheres.
Project results: The Action anticipates:
- fitting out of 4 clubs in 4 counties with furniture, necessary office and conference equipment;
- delivery of train the trainers sessions for the debate clubs leaders;
- organization of the mater-classes from the progressive debate schools involving top speakers from Europe and world;
- delivery of the serious of debate tournaments;
- establishing of the web-platform and digitalization of the debate speeches, seminars’ materials, video recordings of the best debates; organization of the digital debate library;
- organization of the student exchange visits between the clubs/organization participating in the project;
- organization of the training sessions in universities and schools focusing on the debates skills introduction and improvement.
Description: Overall Project goal is to stimulate and to strengthen the network of the debate clubs of four countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine. The project will focus on the support of the proactive youth in cross-border regions and as the result will introduce the alternative youth educational and culture program in the four countries.
The project idea lies in the establishing of the communication platform and sustainability of the student debate clubs and NGOs from the border regions of the four countries.
Estimated budget: app 500.000 Euro
Estimated duration: 24 months

Partners needed

Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Slovakia, Košický
Criterias: Cooperation with student youth, debate clubs development, NGOs.

Partnership is also welcommed from other border regions (Hungary, Slovakia, Romania)

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation type: Municipality or its organization
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Contact details

Name: Lada Malaniy
Organisation: Agency for Private Initiative Development
Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Ukraine, Ivano–Frankivska
City/Village: 76018, Ivano-Frankivsk
Address: 26 Dnistrovska St., office 12, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine
Phone: +380342504605
Mobile: +380 096 8002258
Fax: +380342 559156
Website: http://http://http://
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Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda