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Project details

Project name: ECOnova - Using innovation for creating smart growth in cross-border area
Country / Region: Romania, Maramureş
Priority: Priority 1: Promote economic and social development
Area of intervention: Measure 1.2 Create better conditions for SMEs and business development
Project targets:
Project results:
Description: Overall objective:
1. Promoting smart growth in business sector from border regions by supporting and developing market mechanisms and tools that facilitate economic cooperation between SME’s.
2. Enhance cooperation in the Romania-Ukraine-Slovakia-Hungary common border area by increasing the transparency of fiscal policies in the four countries and create a non-discriminatory business environment

Specific objective:
1. Sustain and improve economical development by facilitating the exchange of know-how between the business actors from those 4 countries
Main Activities : workshops and trainings
2. Using innovation and academic research for supporting the development of new SME’s in cross border region
Main Activities : Business Innovation Trade
3. Creating a digital business society that facilitate the increasing of the transparency in business area
Main activities : Online Market, Creating a common market for promoting business proposal, newsletters
Target group : entrepreneurs and future antrepreneurs from Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine
Partners: NGO and public institutions from Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Ukraine
Estimated budget:
Estimated duration:

Partners needed

Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg

Partner(s) already involved in the project idea

Organisation: The Chernivtsi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Organisation type: Public authority or its organization
Country / Region: Ukraine, Ivano–Frankivska

Contact details

Name: Flavia Sabau
Organisation: Center for Sustainable Development Greentin
Organisation type: Non-governmental organization (association, cooperative, church, independent foundation etc.)
Country / Region: Romania, Maramureş
City/Village: 430381, Baia Mare
Address: Republicii Bv. nr.68/39
Phone: 0040362 - 808773
Mobile: 0040746791668
Fax: 0040362 - 808773
Annual Work Programme for 2018 published by JMA

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary acting as Joint Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 (JMA) is publishing the Annual... read more »

First Call for Proposals launched

The first open Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 has been launched... read more »

First Call for Proposals to be launched in the first trimester of 2017

The Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary, acting as the Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 is planning to launch the first... read more »

Draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020

Public consultation on the draft Joint Operational Programme for the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Programme... read more »

Prime Minister's Office Hungary

Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR

Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Locuintei (MDRL)

Міністерствo економіки України

Széchenyi Programiroda